What Does The Flock Say?

Sami, Blythe, and Aidan will be going around the school asking students questions in the segment, "What the Flock?!?…says." The feature aims to highlight LCC's thoughts and opinions with some fun twists. In "Finish the Lyrics," Blythe challenged people to finish the lyrics of a song. Sami asked what people's "Pet Peeves" are, and Aidan asked freshmen, "What are You Most Excited for in High School?". Lastly, this week's segment concludes with a "Speed Round" of doors vs wheels. 

          Finish the lyrics as people finish the lyrics to the songs "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston, "No Scrubs" by TLC, and "Bad Habits" by Ed Sheeran. Some pet peeves we heard were when people chew loudly, when people stroll in the hall, and when people park in your parking spot. The freshmen told us they were most excited about school events like games and dances, meeting new people, and playing sports. In "Speed Round," the argument we tried to put to rest lives on! There was no clear winner when we asked people who are more of in the world; doors or wheels?