Green Zone--feeling calm, happy, okay, proud, ready to learn


Positive self-talk--"I've got this", "Who can I help", "Focus"

Belly Breaths


Blue Zone--feeling sad, tired, sick, bored, meh


Stop and name your feelings--"I feel sad, and that's okay"

Take 3 slow, deep belly breaths

Talk to someone you trust about your feelings

Take a break

Write or draw in a journal



Yellow Zone--feeling upset, frustrated, worried, scared, excited, silly


Stop, name your feelings, and take 3 slow, deep belly breaths

Walk away/Take a walk, run, or other type of exercise

Think about a peaceful, happy place

Talk to someone you trust

Slowly count to 10

Red Zone--feeling angry or very, very scared


Stop, name your feelings, and take 3 or more slow, deep belly breaths

Pretend you're holding a lemon in each hand--squeeze and relax your hands 3 or 4 times

Slowly count to 10 or more

Take a walk, run, or do some other type of exercise

When you are calm, talk to someone you trust

Say: I feel ________(mad) and then ask for what you need______(to take a break, etc.)