Mindful Moments

Gratitude List:

Create a list of 10 things for which you are grateful. Recognizing the things that we are grateful for helps us to focus on what we DO have rather than what we do NOT have:)

Mindful sound observation:

Sit comfortably in any location. Close your eyes and focus ONLY on the sounds around you. What do you hear? How does each sound make you feel? What do you feel in your body as you listen?

Mindful shoulder roll:

Sit comfortably in your seat or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Gently roll your shoulders backwards 5 times. Pay close attention to how your muscles feel as you roll them. Gently roll your shoulders forward 5 times. Again, pay attention to how your muscles feel. How is your whole body feeling now?

Mindful house walk:

Walk through the rooms in your home. What do you see? How does each item make you feel on the inside? What do you smell? What do you hear? Focus on the way you are feeling as you experience each of these things, along with smells and sounds.

Mindful Body Scan:

Sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet place. Focus on your head and face. How do they feel? Notice any tightness and try to relax your facial muscles. Move to your neck. How does it feel? Move to your shoulders, then your arms, hands, and fingers. Notice any tightness and allow your muscles to soften and relax. Focus on your chest and stomach. Next focus on your legs, feet, and toes. Continue to notice any tightness and allow each part of your body to relax. Now how do you feel?

Acknowledge and accept feelings:

How are you feeling right now? It's okay to feel that way! Say to yourself, "I am feeling ___________________, and it's okay to feel this way."

Mindful music:

Listen to your favorite (or any) song. Pay close attention to the words. How do the words in the song make you feel? What words do you notice that you've never noticed before?

Mindful Journaling:

Sit down with a journal in a comfortable spot. Without giving much thought to what has happened during the day, begin to write about how you are feeling right now. Allow yourself to feel your feelings without judging them......all of your feelings are okay to feel....take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and let your feelings pass. What is your plan for feeling like your best self?

Check out this cool video on mindfulness--why not give it a try?

Mindful eating:

When you sit down to eat a meal or a snack, focus very closely on your first 3 bites. Try only to think about how the food feels on your tongue and tastes in your mouth. Notice the different flavors--what are they? How do you feel as you are chewing? How does your mouth feel?

Practice patience:

Patience can be hard, but it helps us to be present in the moment. When you have to wait for something, think to yourself,

"I'm okay with waiting". Notice the things around you as you wait. What do you see that you wouldn't have seen if you hadn't had to wait?

Mindful Melt:

Sit comfortably in your chair. Imagine that you are a snowman on a hot beach, Imagine your body melting into your seat. Think of your legs, chest, arms, shoulders, neck and head slowly melting into your chair. How is your body feeling now?

Mindful teeth brushing:

As you brush your teeth, try to focus only on your teeth, not thinking of anything else. Focus on brushing each tooth, or count each tooth as you brush it.

Mindful Modeling Dough Squeeze:

Hold Modeling Dough in your hand. Gently squeeze the dough in your hand. Pay attention to how it feels as it moves across your skin and through your fingers.

Mindful Car Ride:

As you are riding in the car, look through the window and pay attention to your surroundings. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? How do these sights,sounds, and smells make you feel?


Remember a time when you felt afraid, but you were able to keep going because you knew you could do it.

What were you doing? What helped you to find strength at that time?