Calming Strategies

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Go outside on a partly cloudy day. Sit or lay down on a blanket and look up at the clouds as they float by. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat 2 or 3 more times. As you breathe in and out, feel your body relax. See how many different shapes you can find in the clouds as they drift by. Imagine any worries or uncomfortable feelings drifting away like the clouds.

Visualize the deep blue ocean. You are a wave in the rolling sea, gently moving up and down. Feel the motion; let it relax you. Hear the sound of the waves in your mind and imagine that they are carrying your worries away.

STOMP out A.N.T.s---Automatic Negative Thoughts

Those thoughts that POP into your head that make you feel bad, like" I'll NEVER be good at _______________________."

Replace those thoughts with P.E.T.s--POSITIVE ENERGIZING THOUGHTS--"I may not be good at _______________ now, but if I keep practicing, I will learn!"

Notice how much better you feel when you think positive thoughts!