Elementary School

Instructional Program

Students at the elementary level will receive similar academic programming as their peers attending physical elementary schools, but through a virtual environment. Some specialist classes like physical education, art, and music may be modified in order to create virtual learning opportunities. Learning will occur through a blend of daily live virtual lessons, video tutorials, and independent activities. Students and teachers will engage in learning through the use of Seesaw. Learning activities in grades K-2 will be incremental skills based while the learning in grades 3-5 will be subject area based.

Elementary School Supply Lists

Sample Weekly Schedule


Students are expected to attend school every day. Teachers will take daily attendance. State and School Board policies regarding attendance apply to students enrolled in this program. Attendance counts as daily engagement with the students class. This may look like checking in on Seesaw, turning in an assignment, presence during a live session, and/ or individual communication with a teacher.

Students who are unable to attend school should notify the distance learning academy of the absence by calling 763-391-8670 .

See DLA Attendance Expectations


Student registered in the Distance Learning Academy will receive the same standards based elementary grading as their peers attending physical elementary locations. Report cards are provide each trimester through Synergy ParentVUE. On-going student progress towards trimester grades will be provided by the teacher through Seesaw.

5th Grade Band and Orchestra

Follow this link to learn more about upcoming informational sessions.