Teen vaping

What chemicals are in a vape?

Vapes are very commonly used, especially among teens, but some don't know what they are really putting into their bodies. Here are some chemicals you might find in a vape and other dangerous additives that could be involved.

One of the main chemicals found in vapes, which is also found in almost every other addictive substance, is nicotine. As nicotine is taken into your body it is almost immediately in your bloodstream and coursing through your body causing an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. It increases your adrenaline for a short period of time giving you a rush and making you happy but that feeling doesn't last. This is why it is so addicting and why so many people cannot quit smoking, which is exactly what makes it so dangerous.

Other common things found in vape liquids are vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol. These affect the body in similar ways, as they both can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, and even passing out. Glycol is also sometimes used medically in very specific procedures to reduce brain volume in neurosurgical procedures. This is why it is extremely dangerous to be ingesting these substances on a regular basis because they can affect you in ways that you don't even know.