7:35-8:30 Morning Routine and Meeting

8:30-9:05 Science or Social Studies

9:10-9:45 Special

Monday – Computer

Tuesday – Music

Wednesday – Gym ( please wear sneakers!)

Thursday – Library ( please remember library books!)

Friday – Art

9:50-10 Snack

10-11:05 Math

11:10-11:35 Recess 

11:40-12:05 Lunch

12:10-12:30 Quiet time/ one on one time

12:30-1:20 Literacy

(Reading, English, Spelling, Penmanship)

1:20-1:50 Writing

1:50-2 Going home routine

2:07 Dismissal

Red Schedule 

(This is only if we have to go fully remote.) 

8:15-8:30 Morning meeting

8:30-9:05 Science or Social Studies

10:00-11:00 Math

11:00-12:00   Lunch and recess break 

12:00-12:30 Quiet time/ interventions

12:30-2:00 ELA/ Writing 

*Please have a quiet work space with materials nearby, preferably not lying in bed or on a couch

*Cell phones and other distractions should be put away during our meetings

*Bathroom breaks should be during a screen break time

*Camera should be on, muted when not talking

*These times are for logging in for lessons. Students may have independent work and will not necessarily be online the entire time.