World Religion Research

Research Update:

After exploring the 9 most followed World Religions, we split into groups and decided on one topic to research. The people in my group are Peter, Noah, Rosemary and Athena. Our group decided on Buddhism.

Project Description and Learning Targets:

  • The World Religion Research Presentation Purpose: To practice researching, group collaboration, and speaking/presenting skills. Learning Target: I can teach my crew about a World Religion I have researched. I can contribute to my research group presentation. I can be an active listener by asking relevant questions to the presenters.

  • Examines relationship between individual, group, and institutional identity.

Reflection Questions

1. What do you know now that you didn't before you started your research?

2. What advice do you have to someone else who is researching World Religions?

3. What would you research or add to your presentation that you didn't have time for?

4. What proof do you have that you met our learning targets?

Link to my presentation deck