
Purpose: The purpose of the Yo-Yo project is to learn how to document work on a web-portfolio.

Journal 1

I used a hole saw to make a wood disk. I also glued a small wood stick in the middle. I still need to make another disk and sand.

Journal 2

I painted the two halves of my yo-yo. We had to use painter's tape to make straight lines between the two colors. I painted mine green and pink.

Journal 3

I added my string today. I had to unwind the string and loop it around one side. I am not great a using yo-yos so I need to practice.

Yo-Yo Project Reflection

Describe the final results:

I had a great time making my yo-yo. It isn't as good as some of the plastic yo-yos you can buy in a store but I am proud of this one because I made it.

What do you know now that you didn't know when you started this project?

I know how to use a hole-saw.

I know how to use painter's tape to paint straight lines.

I know how to make a website using google sites.

What advice would you give to future students about this project?

My advice to future students would be don't be afraid of the hole-saw but be careful with it.

What else would you like to try that you didn't have time for?

I would like to make another yo-yo using the drill press.

What proof do you have that shows you learned the project’s purpose?

This website portfolio shows that I can make a website.