
Purpose: The purpose of the Slingshot Project is to practice recording the steps of a project on a web-portfolio. 

Journal Entry 1

The first step to making a slingshot is cutting a 3"x5" piece of plywood. I used a handsaw to do this.

Journal Entry 2

Next I drew a stencil on the rectangle of a slingshot. I used pencil.

Journal Entry 3

I used a jigsaw to cut out my stencil. It was pretty scary at first. 


What was the final results?

I had a great time making my slingshot. I painted it a gold color and it shoots pretty far. I was surprised to see how well it shoots.

What do you know now that you didn't know when you started this project?

What advice would you give to future students about this project?

My advice to future students would be don't be afraid of the jigsaw but be careful with it.

What else would you like to try that you didn't have time for?

I would like to make another slingshot with a table jigsaw

What proof do you have that shows you learned the project’s purpose?

This website portfolio shows that I can make a website.