
The missions that we chose are "Unload Cargo Plane" and "Transportation Journey." In the first mission we had to unload the cargo plane by pulling the door all the way down so that it touches the ground, and the cargo slides out. Next, it goes to the second mission where it rams into a small machine that pushes a little plane out. Then, it goes back a bit and copies the moves to launch a small truck to finish.

Our attachment is two long bent arms with a stick in between attached to a motor. This attachment moves down as the robot moves back, pulling the stick that opens the plane door to slide the cargo out and complete the mission.

We faced a lot of challenges while doing the code. Some examples were missing the lever and bumping into other missions. Another challenge while coding was not knowing how far to program the robot to go. We fixed these problems by trying multiple times and tweaking the code each time. First, it moves forward 10 cm. Next,
move left for 130 degrees. After, it moves forward 35 cm. Then, it move left for 80 degrees. After that, move forward 15 cm. Finally, it pulls down the lever. It then moves backward and turns right to ram into the next mission. It finishes that mission and then moves backward again. Then it goes to another mission that looks just like the one we just did and rams into it. It completes that mission and comes back to base.

Our Robot's Code



Our Robot Doing The Missions