Technology Integration & Digital Literacy
APS Vision for Technology Integration & Digital Literacy
Technology is used to leverage blended learning strategies, providing a personalized educational experience that nurtures deeper learning, a growth mindset, collaboration, creative problem solving, and a love of learning.
Meet our team:
Sarah Perkins, Interim Director, Technology Integration and Digital Literacy
Sarah Campbell, Instructional Technology Facilitator (ITF)
What we do:
Co-Plan and co-teach with Teachers, Program Coordinators, and Coaches
Consult, brainstorm, and collaborate on projects
Build capacity for using digital tools for teaching and learning
Develop digital literacy curriculum PK-12
Support app. integrations with Schoology
Support our Schoology implementation
More of what we do
Coordinate with Library Media Specialists at each school
Provide professional learning experiences, including job-embedded PD
Coordinate with the IT Team for all school technology and applications
Provide family learning resources