Instructional Technology Resource Teachers

Techy Tips To Prevent March Madness

Teresa's Tech Tip of the Week for March 9

Each school has now had an introduction to #GoOpenVA.  Here were the high points:

-Sign in using Clever

-You can search by content, grade, or topic

-You can refine your search for lessons that align with content SOL's

Teresa's Tech Tip of the Week for March 6

Here are some cool Google Sheets keyboard shortcut hacks:

Want to undo that change you just made in your report? There's a shortcut for that (Command + Z on a Mac/ Control + Z on a PC). Want to quickly find a particular word or figure in your report? There's a shortcut for that, Too (Command + F on a Mac / Control + F on a PC). And the list goes on and on.

The most important shortcut to remember fr Google Sheets, however, is Command + / on a Mac, or Control + / on a PC. That's the shortcut for pulling up the master list of Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts. In the screenshot to the left, you can see some of the most popular shortcuts on the list.