Taking Care of Yourself

We know this is a challenging time for families. As parents, you're being asked to do things you didn't plan on and may not feel prepared to do. Taking care of yourself is super important, and will help you figure out how to best help your child. Here are some ideas for managing your own - and your children's - stress:

  • Follow routines - keeping up with a routine will help you and your children know what to expect and makes things feel more manageable.

  • Prioritize sleep - just because you don't have to get up for school doesn't mean you shouldn't get to bed early - your kids need it and you need it too!

  • Use screens wisely - you need to use technology more than ever right now, but you also need a break. Set aside screen-free time to do other things - you'll find that it clears your head and helps you all to settle down.

  • Limit news - there's so much to read and find out right now, but kids and adults can get easily overwhelmed by the constant updates. It's okay to just turn it off and focus on what's happening right now in front of you.

  • Talk about it - everything feels more manageable when you can talk it through with someone you trust. That's true for kids and adults. If you're feeling overwhelmed, say it out loud to someone and it may help you feel a little better. Also, check in with your kids and let them talk about how they're doing.

For more ideas, check out these links: