Staying Connected During Coronavirus

Staying Connected during Coronavirus

We all miss being together at school, and we know it's hard to not spend time with friends and teachers. Now is a great time to be creative about your social time. Here's some ideas of things you can try to feel connected :

  • Virtual play dates or study groups - have your parents help you set up a study chat or video recess with a friend

  • Write letters - use lots of color to create a cute letter or card for someone and send it in the mail

  • Join a live online activity - there are events right here in our town that you can participate online! Check out some of the ideas below (and always check with your parents first!)

  • Find a way to help someone - there are so many ways to help others right now ... and helping others helps you feel connected and happier (BONUS!)! Find out about a need - whether it's someone nearby or someone far away - and figure out a way to help. We'll post some ideas below.

Local Online Activities for Kids and Families

Help Someone!

This organization helps families in other parts of the world get clean water to drink. Find out about what they do - and how you can help - on their website.
Wasatch Mental Health is a local organization that helps a lot of families in our community. They have a whole bunch of service projects they could use help with - check out their website for things you could help make at home for them.
Check out this list of even more ideas of things you can do - even while social distancing!

More Ideas for Connecting During Social Distancing