
Friendly Reminders:

Please turn in a signed Progress Report.

Please check in to the plan book daily for your child's conduct.

Please note, I do not usually see the student plan book until the end of the day so if something is important for earlier in the day--just drop me a quick email.

Homework is Monday to Monday. Just about half of students turned it in completed this week, our first week of doing the homework this way.

Special Note: Our school supply list only requested 2 composition books. I am quite confident we will use them both for writing in class this year. If for some reason the second one you purchased goes unused, it will be returned. Due to this small number of composition books, I gave each child one to use for completing Word Study activities or other assignments needing paper for homework. I did not have the opportunity to create the supply list for this year, so I am just adapting to what we have.

An October Reading Choice Chart was sent home. Choose it or lose it! Just read an average of 20 minutes a day!

Math- We continue to work on Place Value and are adding in comparing and ordering 4 digit numbers. We compare using the symbols <.>. = and we order least to greatest and greatest to least. This weeks homework is on comparing numbers. We are spiral reviewing time, even and odd numbers and skip counting. The children are doing an amazing job in Math. We are having so much fun!

Reading- While we continue to enjoy Charlotte’s Web, and work on editing as we write, we focus on strategies during guided reading daily. We are prompted to think “Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense?” Students are encouraged to “Try that again”. The growth I am seeing so quickly in writing and reading. Confidence is really being built...and they are showing much creativity!

This week we are working on rhyming words and we will spiral review literary features such as Alliteration (tongue twisters) and Personification.

A strategy to help with reading fluency that we will focus on this week is “Linger Finger”.....ask your kids to explain. Some are "getting it" some are still progressing!

WORD STUDY- We will be using the same words from last week this week and get a new list next week!:) Hang in there and do some extra reading!

Religion: We will be learning about the Seven Sacraments and how we worship and celebrate God.

Science: Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Fact finds are underway! Students are working in teams to research facts on Chromebooks using the kid friendly search engine kidrex.

Homework - Reading a Poem (this one rhymes), answering questions. I encourage the students to go back to the poem to check their answers. I have been modeling and practicing the strategy to underline the answer in the passage. This is a great self-check skill as we build their “Reading toolbox”.

Math Review and Religion: Guardian Angel Prayer. Homework is given on Monday and not due until the following Monday.