Electricity consumption in Egypt

By: Mohamed

In December 2019, Egypt’s electricity consumption data was reported 12,118,000 KW according to researchers from American security project and United Nations environment program. Egypt has produced approximately 13.2-13.7 billion kilo watts – hours of electricity and reached capacity of 55000 Megawatts of electricity per a day which is the highest rate of consumption since 1997.

A researcher made a calculation for an Egyptian citizen ecological footprint and it was very high he said “it is the worst from 10 years and if we kept consuming electricity like this, there will be no enough energy in future”.

“It is the worst in 10 years” Researchers said.

Energy consumption data percentage in Egypt shows consumption distributed by category.

Researchers said that “Electricity consumption was increasing day by day ” .Because the high use of energy in homes, hospitals, transportation and factories, the costs spent in energy is increasing. They were observing, calculating and counting day by day consumption until they came up with final results with government help.

Researchers gave the study results to the government which promised to take care in consuming electricity to be able to run hospitals, factories and all home devices. Minister of energy said “asking people turning unneeded lights and using led lamps which save in energy, and inventing other sources of energy than the natural ones, will be the next government plans”.

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4A Mohamed Hassan.pptx

Our Ecological footprint

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our consumption

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I liked Moez because it is a good newspaper report.