Save Your Environment

By : Farida Moh.

The electricity is important for every one on earth and we should use it in a proper way because it can affect the environment .

We get electricity from burning fssil fuels , coal , natural gas and oil and then converting the thermal energy in to electricity . There are other sources of electricity that are friendly to the environment , these include wind energy , solar energy , geathermal energy and biomas energy .

We use electricity in daily bases through equipment , in our homes , schools and every were .

So we need to decrease our consumption . " We can use environment friendly energy such as solar energy . "

people need to coperate together and use natural energy to save the environment .


Let's Know more about our environment:

4A Farida Mohamed.pptx

Our ecological footprint

It was a little bit tricky questions but it was great .

Our Consumption

it was easy very easy

I like Mariam's page because it persuade the reader and it was very neat .