Power Saving

By : Moez

Many countries discovered that lots of government budget spending on electricity sector due to high consuming of power by users. The money spending for two methods, one of them for subsidizing the electricity itself in Kw prices and the other thing for subsidizing the power station which is generate the electricity.

At apartments, people consume the electricity reach up to 60 Kw per day but the average consumptions for medium consumers around 25 kw per day. The Kw value change based on using the instruments such as the televisions, air conditions, refrigerator, washing machine for clothes or for home appliances…. etc.

To make a control and save the power as much as possible by turn off unnecessary lights, don’t use to much instruments in one time, fix any damage part lead to high consuming like the gasket for refrigerator door, keep the sufficient space between refrigerator and back wall, use the washing machine with full capacity to prevent run it again and minimize the operations.

At my home, I gave some advises to my father, mother and my daughter to save the power like sitting together in living room to operate one air condition and one television under little light and keep the remaining light and air conditions in other rooms close. Also I advised them don’t open the refrigerator many times.

Wind Energy

The Kw measuring by using gauge which government provide it to each unit to each one can know his consumption and can make a control.

Eventually my opinion the conserving electricity helping stop global warming, decrease an environmental pollution and saving a lot of money overtime.to achieve that we can depend on a renewable resource such as solar energy and wind energy. Even use the solar energy in small scope at home.

The solar and wind energy the initial cost is very big but during running the maintenance and operation cost is very low against traditional power station which is the initial cost is lowest and the operation and maintenance is very high.