Earth Today

Perhaps, the most amazing and life-changing innovation made by humans is electricity. Survival without electricity is unimaginable now, but there was a time when people lived without light and electronic appliances.

In their project, our Year 4 Learners made lots of effort to research how to meet the energy challenge; which is how to generate and use electricity , while reducing the environmental impacts of your energy use.


In Gharb Somid 3 of June 2020 Mariam invited a magnetic car for her science project .While doing her project she discovered that batteries are harmful for the environment.

Visit Mariam's page to know more about her invention


Electricity Consumption

In December 2019, Egypt’s electricity consumption data was reported 12,118,000 KW according to researchers from American security project and United Nations environment program. Egypt has produced approximately 13.2-13.7 billion kilo watts – hours of electricity and reached capacity of 55000 Megawatts of electricity per a day which is the highest rate of consumption since 1997.

What did Researchers say about the electricity consumption in Egypt?

A lot of countries have high uses of electricity .

Many homeowners haves high uses of electricity even if they don't know or feel, because they use a lot of appliances.

To know more about electricity consumption from Ibrahim visit his page.

Save Energy...Save your Environment

Saving Electricity

In 5th of May, 2019 in Egypt, Sam consumed a very large amount of electricity in his house. It has gone to a very high number, which was because he had been using electricity but he did not need it. He kept consuming all the electricity the country has given to him. After one week Sam was left with no electricity in the quarantine time.

When Sam knew how big his problem was, he started a campaign to reduce the electricity consumption....

Did Sam's campaign succeed? Know more about Sam's campaign from the amazing report written by lojain.

Power Saving

Conserving electricity helps stop global warming, decreases environmental pollution and saves a lot of money.To achieve that, we can depend on a renewable energy source such as solar energy and wind energy.

In his report, Moez discussed sources and cost of renewable energy

Save Your Environment

The electricity is important for every one on earth and we should use it in a proper way because it can affect the environment .

Know more about sources of energy from our amazing reporter Farida.