Beyond the Binary

Beyond the Binary (BtB): Exploring AI through Dialogue

Beyond the Binary (BtB) is a project born from the exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts within the ISTE AI Explorations course. Inspired by Dan's concept of an "interview-style" video featuring Gemini, the project evolved into a series of four special episodes.

Project Scope:

BtB delves into four key areas of AI: machine learning, generative AI, chatbots, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI. Each episode features human voices both naturally spoken and artificially manipulated acting as interviewers, posing questions on the designated topic to the AI "participants. Gemini, ChatGTP, and Claude AI then provide its responses.

Project Goals:

This project served as a creative outlet for the team to showcase their learnings from the ISTE AI explorations course. We deliberately chose a human-led interview format to highlight the continuing importance of the human connection in the age of AI. While AI played a crucial role in generating the characters, formulating questions and answers, and even crafting characters using generative AI, our intention was to demonstrate that human oversight and guidance remain essential.

The intention is to share BtB with colleagues and potentially expand reach to teachers and students in the future. By presenting AI concepts through engaging dialogue, BtB aims to spark interest and understanding of this evolving field, while emphasizing the complementary nature of human and artificial intelligence.

Episode 1: Machine Learning

Episode 2: Generative AI

Episode 3: Chatbots

Episode 4: Ethics & AI

the why of Beyond the Binary

The following extras contain a brief video from the creators of Beyond the Binary, and the scripts that were used for the creation of Beyond the Binary episodes. It all started with the idea of an interview with AI and it grew to something much more fun and exciting to share! 

Coming Soon

the how of BEYOND the BINARY

Original Script

Reworked Script

Script for Beyond the Binary
REScript for Beyond the Binary - by AI

the Q&A of Beyond the Binary

Buckle up, because we're diving deep into the rabbit hole of AI conversations! We have the full transcripts from our chat sessions with Claude AI, ChatGPT, and Google Gemini, the hottest large language models around.

Everything highlighted in green made it into the thrilling audio adventure we created with Adobe Express (Animation from Audio). But now, you get the uncut director's edition – the full, in-depth conversations that reveal the surprising wit, wisdom (and maybe a few quirks) of these AI superstars.

So, grab your popcorn, settle in, and prepare to be amazed by the similarities, differences, and sheer depth of knowledge these language models possess. We hope you enjoy this exclusive extra content!

Q&A with Claude(tte) AI

Q&A with Gem(ini) AI

Q&A with Pete (ChatGPT)

Q&A with Claude(tte)
Q&A with Gem(ini)
Q&A with Pete (ChatGTP)