Winston Katoanga

Winston Katoanga is an outstanding and engaged participant who exudes energy and is intentional about being inclusive of everyone. Winston is one of nine children whose parents immigrated to the US in hopes of a better future for them. Winston states that obtaining a college degree would be a big deal to not only his family, but his community as well. He does not see many Pacific Islanders represented in Higher Education or even in higher level classes in high school for that matter, so he wishes to change that trajectory for his younger siblings and other community members.

Winston shares that TRIO has been a safe haven for him. When the challenges of being a high school student take a toll, TRIO has allowed him to express himself free of judgement, helping him be able to refocus on his academics. Winston has been an active member of Upward Bound’s TRIO Leadership Committee (TLC) for two years where he has dedicated time and energy to enhance his peers’ TRIO experience by serving as a peer mentor and voicing ways to improve our program as a whole. As a program we express the importance of lifting those around us and sharing what we learn with others, including those who are not TRIO participants. Last year, Winston - along with other TLC members - presented to various classes at West High school about action steps and resources available to students to help them prepare for college. Prior to being in TLC, Winston did not feel like he had the potential to be a leader - he thought he had to carry all the weight on his shoulders and be the perfect person, but has learned that there are many ways to be a leader. He takes great pride in his leadership role and strives to help others whenever possible, even if that is creating a hit playlist that gets everyone jamming! While Winston is still unsure of what he wants to major in, he does know that he is working towards a graduate degree...for himself, his family, and his community!