Workout Program

Website Display bootcamp

Need Equipment?

Nanook Recreation can help you out. We rent equipment specifically for this boot camp class . Go to our rental center HERE .

How to read the Circuit workouts

  1. All exercises are listed vertically

  2. Start at the top and perform the exercise indicated for the repetitions or distance indicated ( in some cases a time increment will be indicated)

  3. If the sets indicate 1 = perform the exercise for the prescribed reps/distance and move on to the next exercise below

  4. If the sets indicate 2 or more sets in the same color box, alternate between the two exercises in the same box until all sets are completed then move on to the next exercise.

  5. Once you have completed all sets and repetitions you may repeat the entire circuit.

  6. Do not exceed the recommended maximum time for each circuit. Exercise is great but too much can lead to injury

  7. Always go at your own pace, if you need more rest between exercises, take it. Exercise should be challenging but do-able. If you are struggling or have to change your technique to complete the exercises, take a break or call it a day.

  8. If you need equipment to complete the exercise it will be listed to the Left of the exercise column

How to read the HIIT workouts

  1. All exercises are listed vertically

  2. There are two colors, Yellow and Blue. Each color is an individual circuit.

  3. Start at the top of the yellow section and perform the exercise indicated for the repetitions or distance indicated ( in some cases a time increment will be indicated)

  4. If the sets indicate 1 = perform the exercise for the prescribed reps/distance and move on to the next exercise below

  5. If the sets indicate 2 or more sets in the same color box, alternate between the two exercises in the same box until all sets are completed then move on to the next exercise.

  6. Once you have completed all sets and repetitions you may repeat the entire circuit.

  7. Do not exceed the recommended maximum time for each circuit. Exercise is great but too much can lead to injury

  8. Always go at your own pace, if you need more rest between exercises, take it. Exercise should be challenging but do-able. If you are struggling or have to change your technique to complete the exercises, take a break or call it a day.

Single continues workout videos

  1. Quick HIIT workouts = a focused workout on a specific muscle group for 10 minutes using a 20 second interval with 10 seconds rest

  2. A tough ten workout= a quick ten minute circuit focusing on two muscle groups that are alternated for time.

  3. Cycling workout= a 5 minute warm up followed by a guided workout of timed intervals with limited rest. Supply your own music and follow along with the Nanook Recreation staff as they complete a 20 minute cycling workout. get a playlist at Nanook Recreations spotify account at

YouTube workout playlists