Exercise Menu

You will find all the exercises used in our Nanook Recreation At Home Boot Camp workouts. This menu is continuing to grow and we are updating it still. Some videos are silent demonstrations and these videos will be upgraded in the near future with voiced over instruction. If a video does not say (demonstration only video) then it should already have audio instruction.

Upper Body Pressing Exercises

(chest, and triceps)

Pushups (instructional video )

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • keep your legs straight

  • your shoulders and hips should move at the same speed

  • pinch your shoulders down and back though out the movement

  • Tighten your latisimus dorsi (your lats) tight through out the movement

  • keep your elbows below your shoulder joint throughout the movement

  • keep your elbows in line with your wrists

  • head in a neutral position

  • make sure to breath, exhale when you push the ground/table/ bench or chair away.

  • If you can not perform a traditional pushup see the modified pushup versions pushup on bench and in this video pushups on your knees. Both are great alternatives that will get you stronger and doing a traditional pushup.

Modified Pushup Variation: Pushups on ball ( instructional video )

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • your shoulders and hips should move at the same speed

  • keep your legs straight

  • pinch your shoulders down and back though out the movement

  • Tighten your latisimus dorsi (your lats) tight through out the movement

  • keep your elbows below your shoulder joint throughout the movement

  • keep your elbows in line with your wrists

  • to take the strain off your wrist keep your fingers facing the floor

  • head in a neutral position

  • if you have trouble keeping your body straight push your hips up as you push the ball away

  • The wider your feet the easier it is to stabilize

  • you can substitute a physio ball with a basketball, soccer ball or use an elevated surface such as a couch, coffee table or chair.

Modified Pushup Variation: Bench Pushups ( demonstration only video )

Helpful Tips:

  • If you can not perform a standard pushup on your knees elevating your hands can make pushups easier.

  • The higher your hands are and the closer your feet are to your hands the easier it is.

  • Use a stable surface that will not slide such as a sturdy table or chair. test to see if it can slide before using it.

  • keep your legs straight

  • your shoulders and hips should move at the same speed

  • keep your core tight

  • pinch your shoulders down and back though out the movement

  • Tighten your latisimus dorsi (your lats) tight through out the movement

  • keep your elbows below your shoulder joint throughout the movement

  • keep your elbows in line with your wrists

  • head in a neutral position

  • make sure to breath, exhale when you push the ground/table/ bench or chair away.

Pushup clock

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • keep your legs straight

  • your shoulders and hips should move at the same speed

  • pinch your shoulders down and back though out the movement

  • Tighten your latisimus dorsi (your lats) tight through out the movement

  • keep your elbows below your shoulder joint throughout the movement

  • keep your elbows in line with your wrists

  • head in a neutral position

  • make sure to breath, exhale when you push the ground/table/ bench or chair away.

  • as you step to the side, place your lead hand no wider than you can keep your body stable. Start small.

  • reposition your second hand directly under your shoulder joint of just slightly wider.

  • recenter your body and perform another pushup.

  • keep repositioning yourself till you complete a 360 degree turn returning to your starting position.

  • If you can not perform a traditional pushup see the modified pushup versions pushup on bench and in this video pushups on your knees. Both are great alternatives that will get you stronger and doing a traditional pushup.

Upper Body Shoulder Raises

(chest, and triceps)

DB front raise (instructional video )

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • Shoulders retracted down and back

  • big chest

  • raise your arms at the shoulder joint.

  • elbows should not bend any more than they start

  • raise to approximately nose level

  • raise your hands in front of you

DB lateral raise (demonstration only video )

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • Shoulders retracted down and back

  • big chest

  • raise your arms at the shoulder joint.

  • elbows should not bend any more than they start

  • raise to approximately nose level

  • raise your hands to the side keeping them in line with your torso.

DB V raise (video coming soon)

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • Shoulders retracted down and back

  • big chest

  • raise your arms at the shoulder joint.

  • elbows should not bend any more than they start

  • raise to approximately nose level

  • raise your hands in a "V" pattern in fronts of you.

DB bent raise (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Bend over at the hips at approximately a 90 degree angle

  • Your back should be flat and parallel with the floor, shoulder should be slightly above the hips

  • keep your core tight

  • Shoulders retracted down and back

  • big chest

  • raise your arms at the shoulder joint.

  • elbows should not bend any more than they start

  • raise as far back as you can keep your back in a neutral position (flat back, no exaggerated arch)

  • raise your hands to the side .

Upper Body Pulling Exercises

(Back, Shoulders and Biceps)

Biceps curls using cleaning solution bottles

Helpful Tips:

  • stand tall with your shoulders down and back, big chest.

  • keep your core tight

  • raise the weight up toward your chin at the elbow joint, keeping your shoulders level

  • lower the weight in a controlled motion till the arm is straight

DB row (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • back level or near level with the floor

  • shoulders stay level with the floor

  • you can support yourself on a bench, chair, or use your own knee

  • raise the weight up toward your torso at the shoulder joint, keeping your shoulders level

  • lower the weight in a controlled motion till the arm is straight

TRX Row (demonstration only video )

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

Upright Row

Helpful Tips:

  • stand tall with your shoulders down and back, big chest.

  • keep your core tight

  • raise the weight up toward your chin at the shoulder joint, keeping your shoulders level

  • raise only as high as you can keep your elbows above your wrist, if you find your wrist raising above your elbows stop.

  • lower the weight in a controlled motion till the arm is straight

Leg Pressing Exercises

(Glutes, Quads, and Hamstrings)

Body Weight Squats (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet wide enough to fit your hips between your heels

  • toes should be pointing 10 to 20 degrees out

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core, keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • weight on the front half of your foot

  • squat down keeping you knees in the same direction as your toes

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • go down slow and controlled up quick.

  • try to get to top of the high parallel to the ground if you can

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back, stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

goblet squat (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet wide enough to fit your hips between your heels

  • toes should be pointing 10 to 20 degrees out

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core, keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • weight on the front half of your foot

  • Hold the book, jug, dumbell or other object close to your chest

  • squat down keeping you knees in the same direction as your toes

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • go down slow and controlled up quick.

  • try to get to top of the high parallel to the ground if you can

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back, stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

OH (Overhead) squat (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet wide enough to fit your hips between your heels

  • toes should be pointing 10 to 20 degrees out

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core, keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • weight on the front half of your foot

  • Hold the bar over head and shoulders. Tightening your Lats as your feel like you are bending the bar and pulling it apart in your hands.

  • squat down keeping you knees in the same direction as your toes

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • Keep the stick or bar above your shoulder joint through out the movement. It will feel like you are pulling the bar back and poking your head forward at the bottom of the squat.

  • go down slow and controlled up quick.

  • try to get to top of the high parallel to the ground if you can

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back, stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

T - squat (demonstration only video )

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet wide enough to fit your hips between your heels

  • toes should be pointing 10 to 20 degrees out

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core, keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • weight on the front half of your foot

  • squat down keeping you knees in the same direction as your toes

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • go down slow and controlled up quick.

  • try to get to top of the high parallel to the ground if you can

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back, stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

  • As you squat down raise your arms and in front of you until they are parallel with the floor and then move them horizontally till they are at your side.

  • Reverse this movement as you return to standing.

Single Leg Pressing Exercises

(glute, ham and quads)

Forward Lunge (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step forward landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your front foot flat as stop your forward momentum. Its ok to let your back heel come up as you lower yourself

  • lower yourself with the front foot till your knee is as close the floor as you can

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

Lateral Lunge (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step forward landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your front foot flat as stop your forward momentum. Its ok to let your back heel come up as you lower yourself

  • lower yourself with the front foot till your knee is as close the floor as you can

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

Lunge 1/2 Matrix (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step forward landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your front foot flat as stop your forward momentum. Its ok to let your back heel come up as you lower yourself

  • lower yourself with the front foot till your knee is as close the floor as you can

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

  • You will be making a clock type pattern

Lunge with twist (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step forward landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your front foot flat as stop your forward momentum. Its ok to let your back heel come up as you lower yourself

  • lower yourself with the front foot till your knee is as close the floor as you can

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

  • Twist to the side at the bottom of the lunge keeping your core tight and your back straight. this should be a slow and controlled movement

Single leg squat on box (demonstration only video)

  • Standing up tall with your front foot directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • keep your front foot flat as stop your forward momentum. Its ok to let your back heel come up as you lower yourself

  • lower yourself with the front foot till your knee is as close the floor as you can

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

Reverse Lunge (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step forward landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your front foot flat as stop your forward momentum. Its ok to let your back heel come up as you lower yourself

  • lower yourself with the front foot till your knee is as close the floor as you can

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

Lunge up Stairs (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step forward landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your front foot flat as step up.

  • keep your knee in line with your toe

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • try and keep your body vertical throughout the movement

  • If you have to change the movement to get lower such as pull your knees in or round your back and lean forward , stop just before these changes occur. As you get stronger and more flexible you will able to get lower with time and practice.

Step ups (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step up on the stair landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your knee in line with your toe as you step up

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • Try to use the foot that strikes the stair as the primary source of force driving you up on the step

  • Resist the urge to push off on the ground with the supporting leg

  • Follow with the supporting leg stabilizing yourself on the stair before lowering yourself with the same foot to the ground

  • You may switch lead legs or stick with the same lead leg for all repetitions and then repeat with your other leg. Both alternating and switching half way work.

Isometric Leg Exercises

(glute, ham and quads)

Wall Sit (demonstration video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Position yourself so your feet are about hips width

  • knees and toes should be pointing in the same direction

  • Hips and shoulders are against the wall

  • you should still be able to slip and hand behind your lower back (this is a neutral spine)

  • tighten your core (abs, lats, back muscles all sucking in and stabilizing your spine)

  • Lower yourself till your top of the thigh is parallel with the ground

  • Make sure you are on a non slip surface and wearing shoes that will allow you feet to stay stationary and stable

Wall Sit with Raise ( demonstration video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Position yourself so your feet are about hips width

  • knees and toes should be pointing in the same direction

  • Hips and shoulders are against the wall

  • you should still be able to slip and hand behind your lower back (this is a neutral spine)

  • tighten your core (abs, lats, back muscles all sucking in and stabilizing your spine)

  • Lower yourself till your top of the thigh is parallel with the ground

  • Make sure you are on a non slip surface and wearing shoes that will allow you feet to stay stationary and stable

  • hold the book, dumbell, or any other weighted object in front of you with arms straight but not locked out

  • raise till you touch the wall behind you and lower controlled

  • Try NOT to pick an object that can move unexpectedly on you such as a small dog, cat or child.

Wall Sit with alternating leg raise ( demonstration video )

Helpful Tips:

  • Position yourself so your feet are about hips width

  • knees and toes should be pointing in the same direction

  • Hips and shoulders are against the wall

  • you should still be able to slip and hand behind your lower back (this is a neutral spine)

  • tighten your core (abs, lats, back muscles all sucking in and stabilizing your spine)

  • Lower yourself till your top of the thigh is parallel with the ground

  • Make sure you are on a non slip surface and wearing shoes that will allow you feet to stay stationary and stable

  • raise one foot in front of you, only raise your leg high enough for you to stay in a stable position as you get stronger you will be able to raise your foot higher

Leg Pulling Exercises

(Glutes and Hamstrings)

Physio Ball Hip Extension (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Position yourself so your feet are about hips width and on the physio ball

  • knees and toes should be pointing in the same direction toward the ceiling

  • The more of your leg on the ball the easier it will be to lift yourself

  • Hips and shoulders are against the floor

  • you should still be able to slip and hand behind your lower back (this is a neutral spine)

  • tighten your core (abs, lats, back muscles all sucking in and stabilizing your spine)

  • Arms out to the side, the wider your hands the easier it is to balance

  • Push on the ball with your legs raising your hips of the ground

  • Raise your hips until you body is straight, you should look like a flat board Not like a rainbow

  • Pause and lower yourself in control back to the ground

Physio Ball Bent Knee Hip Extension (video coming soon)

Helpful Tips:

  • Position yourself so your feet are about hips width and on the physio ball

  • Knees at a 90 degree angle through out the movement

  • knees and toes should be pointing in the same direction toward the ceiling

  • The more of your leg on the ball the easier it will be to lift yourself

  • Hips and shoulders are against the floor

  • you should still be able to slip and hand behind your lower back (this is a neutral spine)

  • tighten your core (abs, lats, back muscles all sucking in and stabilizing your spine)

  • Arms out to the side, the wider your hands the easier it is to balance

  • Push on the ball with your legs raising your hips of the ground

  • Raise your hips until you body is straight, you should look like a flat board Not like a rainbow

  • Pause and lower yourself in control back to the ground

Abdominal & Core Exercises

Half rockies (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your back in a neutral position (maintaining the normal S curve of your spine)

  • Shoulders down and back, big chest

  • Arms position varies with ability level, the closer the arms are to your waist the easier it is. The closer your arms are to the top of your head the more difficult it is.

  • Rise up leading with your chest , avoid curling up

  • Do not swing the ball up keep it in a fixed position through out the exercise

  • Keep Breathing!

Lying Opposite Hand to Foot (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep breathing during this exercise!

  • Reach up with your hand and shoulder toward your opposite foot.

  • You will be raising your foot at the same time.

  • Make sure your shoulder leaves the ground as you reach for that foot.

  • Lower your hand and foot until both have returned to the ground then repeat with the opposite and and foot

  • Make this a controlled motion, if you need to rapidly fling yourself forward you should choose a different exercise such as a crunch.

Knee tucks on ball (instructional video)

  • Start in a pushup position with your feet on the ball

  • Keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary pull your knees toward your chest

  • Then extend your legs slowly moving the ball back

MB rotations (instructional video)

( you can use a plate, dumbbell or Med Ball)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your back in a neutral position (maintaining the normal S curve of your spine)

  • Shoulders down and back, big chest

  • Hold the ball close to the chest and try and keep the elbows up

  • Rotate at the waist

  • Rotate your shoulders not the ball.

  • Avoid curling up

  • You can start with your knees bend and feet on the ground then work up to picking your feet off the ground

  • For advanced exercises you can straighten your legs and keep them elevated above the ground. rotating slow and controlled with a pause each time you return to looking straight ahead.

Physio Ball Crunch (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your back in a neutral position (maintaining the normal S curve of your spine)

  • Shoulders down and back, big chest

  • Arms position varies with ability level, the closer the arms are to your waist the easier it is. The closer your arms are to the top of your head the more difficult it is.

  • Rotate at the hips, leading with your chest as you rise up to an approximate 45 degree angle.

  • Avoid curling up

  • Do not let the ball roll.

  • Do not bounce off the ball.

Physio Ball Crunch To The Side

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your back in a neutral position (maintaining the normal S curve of your spine)

  • Shoulders down and back, big chest

  • Arms position varies with ability level, the closer the arms are to your waist the easier it is. The closer your arms are to the top of your head the more difficult it is.

  • Rotate at the hips, leading with your chest as you rise up aiming for your opposite knee.

  • Avoid curling up

  • Do not let the ball roll.

  • Do not bounce off the ball.

Physio Ball Knee Tucks ( instructional video)

Toe Touches

Helpful Tips:

  • Start with your feet in the air, trying to keep your legs as straight as possible

  • Reach up with your hand above your shoulders

  • Get your shoulders off the ground

  • Lower yourself slow and controlled

  • To increase the intensity add weight by holding an object, keep the object over your shoulders the whole time.

Plank with leg lift (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary raise you leg behind you

  • Raise your leg as far as you can without changing your torso position

  • Alternate leg raises until you complete the set

Leg raise to hip up (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your core tight

  • Start with your feet in the air, trying to keep your legs as straight as possible

  • Keep your shoulders and hips on the ground as you raise your legs directly over your hips

  • Keep your back in a neutral position, your lower back should not increase in arch.

  • Now pick your hips up off the ground with your abs

  • Lower yourself slow and controlled

  • Returning your hips to the ground then returning your legs back to the start position

  • To increase the intensity add weight by holding an object

Posterior Core and Shoulder Stability Exercises

(shoulders, back, glutes and hamstrings)

Bird dogs (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary raise you leg behind you

  • Raise your leg and opposite arm till they are parallel with the ground without changing your torso position

  • Alternate between sides until you complete the set

Supermans (video coming soon)

Helpful Tips:

  • keep your core tight

  • keep your back straight, try not to over arch and hyper-extend your back

  • raise your arms and shoulders off the ground by contracting the muscles behind the shoulders

  • raise your legs by contracting the muscles of the legs

  • keep your chest and belly on the ground

  • if your chest starts to rise off the ground you need to tighten up your abs to protect your back.

Stationary Cardio

High knee run (demonstration only video )

Helpful Tips:

  • Stand tall

  • Keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary raise knee as high as you can without altering your torso position

  • Alternate knee raises until you complete the set.

  • This is meant to be a rapid alternation, work at your own pace but as you get more comfortable increase the speed.

  • Swinging your arms as if your are running will help your balance, ideally bring your front arm to cheek higher and your rear arm should swing back past your hip.

Jumping Jacks (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your core tight

  • Shoulders down and back

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • Jump up while raising your arms and legs out to the side

  • Land back at attention

  • Repeat quickly

  • Jumping requires the body to decelerate a lot of force. Pick a surface that has some give and wear shoes that have shock absorbing foam to help your knees and skeletal system out.

Mountain Climbers (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep your core tight

  • Your back flat and spine in a neutral position

  • While your torso is stationary raise you leg behind you

  • Raise your knee toward your elbows as far as you can without changing your torso position

  • Alternate knee raises until you complete the set

  • This is meant to be a rapid alternation, work at your own pace but as you get more comfortable increase the speed.

Stair Runs: On On, Off Off and On, Off (demonstration only video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • toes should be pointing forward

  • shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • step up on the stair landing on the mid foot.

  • keep your knee in line with your toe as you step up

  • Do NOT let your knee go beyond your toes.

  • This is meant to be a rapid fire exercise, try and move as quickly as you can performing the exercise correct.

Up Downs (instructional video)

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly under your hips

  • Toes should be pointing forward

  • Shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • Tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • Drop down into a pushup position but do not perform a pushup

  • Kicking your feet out rapidly away from your hands

  • Pull your feet back under you as quickly as possible

  • Jump up from this crouched position.

  • Land back at attention

  • Repeat quickly

  • Jumping requires the body to decelerate a lot of force. Pick a surface that has some give and wear shoes that have shock absorbing foam to help your knees and skeletal system out.

  • If you have a history of Knee or Back pain this is not an ideal exercise for you, substitute with something more controlled such as a body weight squat or step up.

Lateral Shuffle

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly slightly wider than your hips

  • Toes should be pointing forward and slightly outward

  • Shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • Tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • Drop down into a half squat position

  • Push off the foot furthest away from the direction you want to go

  • Pull your feet back under you as quickly as possible

  • Repeat quickly

  • Try and keep your hips at the same level as you slide laterally

Hop Scotch Squat


Lateral Box Hops

Helpful Tips:

  • Standing up tall with your feet directly slightly wider than your hips

  • Toes should be pointing forward and slightly outward

  • Shoulders should be retracted down and back, big chest

  • Tighten up your core and keep a straight neutral spine through out the movement.

  • Drop down into a half squat position

  • Push off the foot furthest away from the direction you want to go

  • Jumping to the other side of the box

  • Land quietly on the floor

Mobility & Flexibility Exercises

Standing slow overhead press against a wall

Biceps and pec stretch against a wall

Calf Stretch: Gastrocnemius

Glute and Hip Stretch: Sprinter Stretch Single Leg

Running Drills

30 yd shuttle