Exercise Program Design

Design your own workout to share with others.

  1. All Boot camp participants have the ability to fill in a workout, just open the google sheet file
  2. The google sheet below has two tabs, click on "circuit" for the circuit training template and "HIIT" for the High intensity interval training template.
  3. Once you open the sheet that has they style of workout you would like to submit. start filling in the information about your workout
  4. Be sure to list the exercise name, if you list an exercise from our exercise menu someone will go in and link it to the video version of that exercise
  5. IF you list an exercise that does not exist on our menu, put a note describing the exercise or submit a suggestion we add the exercise to our menu by filling out the Support and Inspiration form on the bottom of our home page.
  6. Fill in the repetitions, distance or time you want to do each exercise
  7. Make sure to indicate how many sets each exercise should be performed
  8. Don't forget to name and date your workout! so people can log that they have done it.
  9. Note: you have the ability to change the total time of the circuit or the work to rest times on the HIIT workouts.
  10. Do NOT edit or delete someone else's workout.

fill in your program

The difference between HIIT and Circuits

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. There are many different ways to perform a high intensity interval training session the most common type of HIIT workout right now is for time. Interval work to rest times can vary in length and ratio. Usually between 10-40 seconds and the ratios are between 1:1 of 3:1

Circuit refer to performing exercises in succession with little to no rest between exercises. Exercises can be the same muscle group or more commonly varying muscle groups creating an interval style workout. For example alternating ab exercises with leg exercises, so that you rest the legs every time you work the abs and vice versa. Circuit exercises can be assigned repetitions, time. distance or a combination of those increments.

Tips for exercise selection and order

  1. Always start with the most complex and difficult exercises first and work down to simple easy exercises.
  2. Start with the heavier exercises and work to the lighter ones.
    1. for example a pushups before over head press with a book
  3. Perform multi joint exercises before single joint exercises
    1. For example lunges before hamstring cursl.
  4. Alternate between different muscle groups
    1. Working the same muscle group over and over will lead to fatigue faster
    2. alternating muscle groups will give you just enough rest to still be able to workout with intensity and make the movement safer.
  5. Exercises that require lots of force production (jumping) are better off in workouts that have greater rest.
    1. For example try to avoid 1:1 work to rest ratios when using jumping exercises or exercises that involve a lot of coordination such as a physio ball pushup.
    2. Fatigue can make these exercises hard to perform correct and raise the risk for injury.
  6. Keep your Circuit workouts under 40 minutes.
    1. Most people will fatigue too much after the 40 minute mark and that may lead to mistakes and injuries.
  7. Keep you HIIT workouts under 30 minutes.
    1. Most people will fatigue too much after the 30 minute mark and that may lead to mistakes and injuries.
    2. This is particularly true if you incorporate jumping exercises which take a lot of strength and coordination to decelerate your body when you land.