Margaret Murie Building, Photo credit: J. R. Ancheta
BIOL 115X Fundamentals of Biology I
BIOL 115X is the first semester of a year-long introduction to biology. The goals of this course are to (1) increase students' knowledge of cell chemistry, the major biological macromolecules, the flow of information, cell structure & function, the genetic basis of inheritance, and evolution; (2) learn how knowledge is constructed. Students will design, conduct, and interpret their own experiments; and (3) learn how science influences society and public policy. The course is taught through a combination of pre-lecture videos filmed with the Learning Glass (shown on the left), in-class exercises, lectures, reading, and experimentation.
BIOL 360 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 360 is an introduction to cell and molecular biology in which students learn about cell chemistry, cell architecture, metabolism, signal transduction pathways, cell division, the cell cycle, and cells in their social context. It is offered as an asynchronous online course in the fall semester and as a face-to-face course in the spring. The course is taught through a combination of lecture, active learning exercises, reading and discussion of of the primary literature.
Photo credit: J. R. Ancheta