Limousin Carousels

What is a limousin? A beautiful breed of Cattle that originated in the Limousin and Marche areas of central France. The same place the feminine name of the luxury automobile originated from, possibly taking its name from the cloaked hood worn by residents of Limoge. And, I found this all out by reading and chewing the cud, also known as contemplating and discussing what I read with my friends. How cool is that?

Let's take a moooving ride on the Alaska Limousin Carousel and share how you can design your life's carousel in books.

In this session, you will explore how reading and sharing your favorite books with others can change lives. You can design your very own Limousin Carousel reflecting the books and literary tidbits that impacted your life. Your Carousel will be posted and shared to our site.

Thank you Marsha for your sponsorship!

Jump on a Limousin Carousel of your choosing and churn out a reading list


We could read a book, then sit and chew the cud....

Me between 2-3 years-old

Books on Toddler Carousel: Baby Beluga, Momma, Do you love me?, A Promise is a Promise, Alaska's 12 Days of Summer, Count Alaska's Colors, and Alaska's ABC's

Books that saved my life and moo-ved me as a 9-year old!

Island of the Blue Dolphin-Scott O'Dell

Misty of Chincoteague Island-Marguerite Henry

Where the Red Ferns Grow-Wilson Rawls

Old Yeller-Fred Gipson

A Wrinkle in Time-Madeline L'Engle

Pippi Longstocking-Astrid Lingren

Little House on the Prairie-Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little Women-Louisa May Alcott

Heidi-Johanna Spyri

The Black Stallion

Nancy Drew-Carolyn Keene

Bobbsey Twins-Laura Lee Hope

Hardy Boys-Franklin W. Dixon

and anything written by the Bronte Sisters!!!

The other reading opportunity came for me in the form of

We were very poor, but my mom and my granny would always let me buy 4-6 books from the Scholastics catalog whenever it was sent home throughout the school year. I cherished those books and read them over and over.


Books on YA Carousel: The Hunger Games, Catcher in the Rye, Divergent Series, Twilight Series, Lord of the Flies, Diary of a Vampire Series, Mortal Instruments Series, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Outsiders

BLACK LIMOUSIN is highlighting African American History in settling and developing Alaska


Creating a Carousel (maybe)

Using google chrome works best

Click Insert

Click Text Box-Type in title

Click Image Carousel

Click Box + sign

Choose Upload Images

Go to Pictures on your desktop

Select photos for your carousel and Upload. (I select them all so they upload in a cluster and save them in a Folder for each topic)

Click Insert and it will come to your page in carousel

Click settings on the carousel, then click settings again. It will let you choose Auto Start and the speed of your carousel.

🌺 Oceanic literature and authors I love ❤️

Lani Wendt Young, Albert Wendt, Lois-Ann Yamanaka

Sia Figiel, Kiana Davenport

carousel by Tiu Malu Ali'i Jody Marie Hassel

Books That Connect me to the Planet

Dairies of Alaska


Check out Debbie Reese's blog post on "Island of the Blue Dolphins," admittedly a childhood fave of many adults. Are there alternatives to recommend today...

Who is centered?

Consider the characters, themes, voices

Link: Representation - Windows, Mirrors & Sliding glass doors

All books are not created equal, nor are they representative of the global community. Check out this link to find great resources, titles and more on diverse books.