
Applied Seismology

GEOS 626/426 University of Alaska Fairbanks

Syllabus: 626/426

Class code repository (Python)     course flyer

Prerequisites: Calculus 3 (MATH 253), Linear Algebra (MATH 314)

Recommended prerequisites: Foundations of Geophysics (GEOS 631)

google drive notes (enrolled students only)

Problem Sets

[1] The Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude relation [gr] pdf

[2] Linear algebra and vectors [math] pdf

[3] Fault parameters and moment tensors [mt] pdf

[4] Analysis of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake Part 1: Instrument response and spectral analysis [sumatraA] pdf

[5] Toroidal modes of a spherically symmetric earth [modesA] pdf

[6] Analysis of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake Part 2: Analyzing the effects of rupture complexity and Earth heterogeneity [sumatraB] pdf

[7] Love waves for a layered Earth [modesB] pdf

[8] Forward problems and inverse problems [inv] pdf

[9] Seismic tomography using ray theory [tomo] pdf

[10] Earthquake location with generalized least squares [genlsq] pdf


Seismic moment tensors, part I [mt] pdf

Seismic moment tensors, part II [beachball] pdf

Discrete Fourier Transform of solar motion [fft] pdf

Waves on a string [waves] pdf

Instrument response and spectral analysis [response] pdf

Spherical harmonic functions [spherical_harmonics] pdf

Analyzing seismic data in record sections and spectrograms

Selecting seismic waveforms for analysis [sumatraB] pdf

Group speed and phase speed from seismograms [dispersion] pdf

Fitting a line to scattered data [linefit] pdf

Iterative Newton method [newton] pdf

Basis functions for seismic tomography [tomo] pdf

This course is offered as a hybrid, synchronous course. This means that the lecture and labs will take place live, and students can participate either remotely or in person. This approach is facilitated by the live broadcast of the lectures and by the availability of computational labs to be conducted with only internet access (JupyterHub). Students from outside UAF can enroll in this course. The course is offered at two different levels: graduate (626) and undergraduate (426).

Figure generated from the lab on the 2004 Sumatra-Anadaman earthquake (lab_sumatraB.pdf).

The figure shows the locations of all the seismograms retrieved (networks II, IU, G) for the analysis of the earthquake.

The view is centered on the epicenter, with stations plotted at their true azimuth angles.

If you might be interested in taking this course (in person or online), 

then please fill out this short survey of interest, and I'll get back to you.

Q&A (see also the syllabus)

How much effort is this course?  Significant. It's a 4-credit class that includes a computational lab. The in-class commitment is 6 hours (3 lecture, 3 lab), and the nominal expectation for outside-class commitment, per UA Board of Regents policy, would be 8 hours. Historically, students will spend more or less than 8 hours.

How much does this course cost? Go here for the costs. (These are likely competitive prices for U.S. universities and likely expensive compared with options outside the U.S.)

Is this course offered "live"? Yes, the scheduled days/times are fixed and aimed to favor the North American work day. Unfortunately, they will not be favorable to eastern Asia, for example. The live offering is motivated by the value of collective discussion and work.

Should I enroll in 426 or 626? GEOS 426 is the undergraduate version, and it requires somewhat less effort, in terms of lab and homework problems. GEOS 626 is the graduate version. GEOS 626 is more expensive than GEOS 426. (See Q1 above.)

Which section should I register for? Register for the in-person section (901) if you are at UAF. Register for the online section (701) if you are outside UAF. Both will be taught together, live.

Do I need to pay for the course if I would like to enroll online and not get any credits for it? Yes, anyone taking the course must be enrolled and pay the costs. These costs support the delivery of the course, notably the instructor's time in teaching and evaluating.

I get an error about prerequisites when I register. What do I do? Please send me your name, UAID (if available), and the status of the prerequisite courses (linear algebra and vector calculus), such as when and where you took those courses (or if you will be taking one of them concurrently), or whether you think you have sufficient preparation from other materials.

When can I register? Registration for UAF degree students opens on November 14, 2022. Registration for non-UA students opens on November 28.