Background material for Alaska Earthquake Science Facts

This collection of YouTube videos were developed for "Glaciers, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes" (GEOS 120), an online course at University of Alaska Fairbanks. (Contact me if you have questions about taking GEOS 120 remotely.)

Click here for the youtube playlist, or directly access the videos below.

Click here to see the Alaska Earthquake Science Facts videos.

Welcome [12:34]

[B1] Geological time scale [5:05]

[B2] Plate tectonic animations [12:15]

[B3] Reading maps [10:04]

[B4] How many plates? [10:52]

[B5] Global tectonics [18:23]

[B6] Plate motions [14:23]

[B7] Hawaii tectonics [6:03]

[B8] Hotspot reference frame [11:10]

[B9] Alaska tectonics [16:23]

[B10] Plate tectonics – surface [10:07]

[B11] Magnetic stripes on the seafloor [16:37]

[B12] Benioff earthquake zones [14:49]

[B13] Basic Earth structure [7:59]

[B14] Types of plate boundaries [8:09]

[B15] Plate tectonics – deep [17:14]

[B16] Alaska earthquakes [47:36] (see also below)

[B17] Alaska Earthquake Center [23:53]

[B18] GPS Geodesy in Alaska [19:26]

[B19] Earthquake frequency [25:42]

How to: view seismicity in Alaska [5:30]

How to: view earthquake recordings [5:44]

How to: use the interactive fault map [3:37]

[B16] Alaska Earthquakes

The B16 video is long (47:37). You can jump to different sections by opening the video in youtube, then click SHOW MORE under the description, as shown in the view at left. You can then click on the blue time links to jump to a particular spot.