We know that standardized testing is a sensitive topic for many parents and we respect these viewpoints on this subject. 

Parent options are: 

I. Student will participate in state testing. 

II. Student will not attend school during the administration (including make-up testing days). 

III. Student will attend school, be provided an opportunity to test (i.e., test administration directions read to the student), and then refuse to test. The assessment will be sent to the vendor for scoring. 

Per TEA, districts must provide all eligible students with the opportunity to test. For a student who refuses to test, the district is obligated to assign the score code “S” for the assessment they refused to take. This will result in the lowest score possible and a student’s performance on STAAR/EOC assessments is required [by TEC, §39.023(c-5)] to be included on the student’s academic achievement record. Additionally, this will trigger other state-required obligations to provide the student with accelerated instruction.