An AISD Practicum is designed to give students a supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills in an arrangement appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students will demonstrate proper job search procedures, interview techniques, professional dress and appearance, interpersonal skills, and technical skills in their practicum placement locations. 

The purpose of an AISD practicum is to provide students the opportunity to explore a career within their pathway giving the student an on-site observation and training experience. 

AISD STEM Practicum

Students discuss their internship with Lockheed Martin


AISD STEM Practicum

Students discuss their internship with Lockheed Martin


Amy Hughes and Abdallah Shishani are both AISD 2015 grads who were interns for Lockheed Martin in the STEM Practicum. They were hired by Lockheed Martin for full-time employment after college graduation.


AISD Marketing Practicum

Gabby explains the benefit of her Marketing Practicum at the Chamber of Commerce. 



AISD STEM Practicum

Keith is a STEM Practicum Intern working at Lockheed Martin Aero



AISD STEM Practicum

Thao is a STEM Practicum Intern working at Bell Flight



AISD STEM Practicum

Madison is a STEM Practicum Intern working at Composite Technology Inc. (A Lockheed Martin Owned Company)



AISD STEM Practicum

Edgar is a STEM Practicum Intern working at Composite Technology Inc. (A Lockheed Martin Owned Company)


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AISD Manufacturing Practicum

Cesar is a Manufacturing Practicum Intern working at Composite Technology Inc. (A Lockheed Martin Owned Company)



AISD STEM Practicum

Justinian is a STEM Practicum Intern working at L3 Harris



AISD Art, Audio/Video Technology & Communications Practicum

Miqueas is an Art, Audio/Video Technology & Communications Practicum Intern working at Texas Live



AISD STEM Practicum

John is a STEM Practicum Intern working in IT at Composite Technology Inc. (A Lockheed Martin Owned Company)



AISD Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum

Deshawn, Milaiza, and Christian are Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum Interns working at Veterinary Referral and Emergency Hospital of Arlington



AISD Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum

Kaalynn is a Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum Intern working at Park Row Animal Hospital 



AISD Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum

Cristal is a Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum Intern working at Penny Paws Animal Clinic



AISD Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum

Aylin is a Agriculture - Veterinarian Assistant Practicum Intern working at Prairie Paws



AISD Health Science Practicum

Caitlyn is a Health Science Practicum Intern working at Green Oaks Physical Therapy



AISD Health Science Practicum

Hadi is a Health Science Practicum Intern working at Texas Health Arlington Memorial



AISD Health Science Practicum

Jordan is a Health Science Practicum Intern working at Walgreens Pharmacy



AISD Health Science Practicum

Nicole is a Health Science Practicum Intern working at Medical City Arlington



AISD Health Science Practicum

Michaela is a Health Science Practicum Intern working at Texas Health Arlington Memorial



AISD Health Science - Biomedical Science

Mayce is a Health Science - Biomedical Science Practicum Intern working in the OR at Texas Health Arlington Memorial 



AISD Health Science Practicum

Ashley is a Health Science Practicum Intern working at Metroplex Dermatology


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AISD Culinary Arts Practicum

Megan is a Culinary Practicum Intern working at the Arlington Sheraton



AISD Health Science Practicum

Student learns to perform sutures for the first time on pieces of chicken!



AISD Health Science Practicum

Student learns to perform sutures for the first time on pieces of chicken!


Thank you to our Practicum Partners!