If your abstract is accepted, please read the following as you prepare your presentation and paper.

1. Please plan your presentation for 15 minutes, so that we can keep 5 minutes for questions & answer following your presentation.

2. You can use powerpoint, prezi or any audio visual format for your presentation. We will provide the presentation facilities including a laptop and a projector. If you need anything special, you should inform us well in advance, and we will try to accommodate your needs.

3. You must be registered for the conference in order for your presentation to be included in the conference programme.

4. We will have Pre-Conference Proceedings including all the registered abstracts and a brief bio (maximum 100 words) of the author/s. You may like to copy-edit your abstract and send it to us along with your bio by 15 October 2018.

5. Full papers are not required for the presentation and conference participation. Only for those interested, full papers may be submitted for consideration towards publication in the Journal of Heritage Management - published by Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University through Sage publications. If you are interested in submitting full paper, please write to


1. Posters will be on display in an exhibition hall of University during the entire duration of the conference. A special session will be organized where all the poster presenters will have an opportunity to brief about their poster for 5 minutes. This is same as oral presentation but only limited for 5 minutes each.

2. Poster boards will be of size 4ft x 4ft. The poster is not required to be any particular size, shape, or style, but cannot exceed the size of the board. You can be creative with your main info, pictures, diagrams, figures, etc.

3. The posters can be made as self-explanatory as possible to initiate the discussions. They need to provide a brief overview and not include all the details of your work.

4. Poster printing will be the presenters' responsibility. You can bring it as hard copies with you, or print it here in Ahmedabad. We will be happy to provide links to nearby printing services.

5. The basic materials such as tapes, double-sided tapes, push-pins and staples will be available at the hall. If you think you may need certain materials, other than these, please bring them with you.