2ND InternationaL Conference oN

Heritage Management Education and Practice:

Developing Integrated ApproacheS


Expo of Best Practices in Integrated Heritage Management

14 – 16 December, 2018

The first edition of the International Conference Series on Heritage Management Education and Practice took place in July 2017 with the key theme of ‘Exploring Connections across Disciplines and Stakeholders’. About 60 presentations featured in the conference as well as the plenary sessions explored the possibilities of connections across disciplines and stakeholders. The conference delegates representing 12 countries and diverse disciplines including architecture, conservation, history, cultural studies, museums, crafts, disaster risk management, and so on. The inaugural conference in July 2017 successfully brought together synergies from stakeholders from various disciplines and practice areas, and ushered towards the theme for the second edition, that is to promote integrated approaches across disciplines and beyond the thematic binaries. In the upcoming 2018 conference, we seek to articulate and celebrate integrated approaches in both theories and practices.

In the second edition of this conference in 2018, we would like to explore the gaps in our efforts of connecting disciplines and stakeholders, and suggest ways to bridge these gaps. We call for abstracts reflecting on research, practices, pedagogy, and case studies on the successful stories as well as critical inquiries to highlight ways of integrating diverse aspects of heritage, diverse stakeholders, and bridging the gaps in heritage management practices.

The following are suggested thematic areas for various sessions and papers, but we are also open to welcome any other relevant ideas.

1. Integrating the Natural and the Cultural Heritage

2. Intersections of Tangible and the Intangible Heritage

3. Heritage for Development, and Development for Heritage

4. Partnerships and Participation in Heritage Management

5. Economics of Heritage, and Heritage for Economic Development

6. Heritage as Educational Resources, and Education for Heritage Management

7. Heritage as Tourism Destinations, and Tourism as vehicle for Heritage Management

8. Bringing Museums to the Communities, and Museums for the Communities

9. Global Heritage Discourses, and Local Heritage Practices, and

10. Special Thematic Session coordinated by the Living Waters Museum Initiative: Water and Living Heritage or Living Waters Museum (see the link to the LWM page: https://www.livingwatersmuseum.org)


Presentations: Selected abstracts will be invited for 15-20 minutes long presentations at suitable sessions of the conference. In addition to in-person presentations, we are also considering to have provision of virtual (off-site) presentations for presenters who may not be able to join the conference in-person.

Posters: Some abstracts may be selected for poster presentations, in which case the presenters will be asked to have a poster on display which can be used to explain the paper/project to the audience. There will be a dedicated poster session in an exhibition format where the presenters will be explaining the paper/project to the visiting audience. The poster session room may be open for an extended period of time.

Expo: Along with the regular conference presentation sessions, we also plan to have an Expo to feature ‘best practices in integrated heritage management’. This is an opportunity for the organizations and institutions which are working in various sectors of heritage but through an integrated approach, to set up a stall to disseminate their approach and achievements.