Safe Return to School


Following Government guidance all Special Schools are to re-open from June 1st, immediately after half term. We appreciate that you will have many questions and we hope that the following FAQs will help 

Academy  Specific Guidance

Will breakfast club and afterschool club start again?

At this stage we will be unable to provide wrap around care for children. We hope we will be able to start this again in September. 

How will I drop off and collect my child?

Collection and drop off will not be the same process as we had a few months ago. We are currently drawing up plans to ensure social distancing can happen at these times. Further details on the arrangements will be sent to parents and displayed on the website. 

We would ask that only one parent/carer attends drop off and pick up. 

We would advise you to travel by walking, cycling or scooting to school, or by car. It is not advisable to take public transport if you have an alternative. If you do use public transport, please ensure you and your child wear a face covering.  

Trust Guidance