School Uniform

Wishmore Cross Academy- School Uniform

At Wishmore Cross Academy we ask our students to wear the school uniform to encourage a sense of belonging and to avoid disputes over unsuitable clothing. In addition it helps our students to start to understand the sense of having appropriate clothing ready for the work environment.

The school uniform is practical allowing students to comfortably engage in both classroom and vocational learning.

When joining the school all students will be offered a new school sports sweatshirt which have been designed and chosen by our student council. Additional school sweatshirts can be purchased directly from the school.

All other uniform items are simple and can be purchased from supermarkets or clothes shops- however if families find this difficult please speak to someone at school as we have lots of spares available.

Uniform Specifics (required items all year round)

-School sweatshirt (branded and provided by school)

-Black trousers, tracksuit bottom or shorts (generic)

-A plain white T-Shirt or collared polo shirt (generic)

-Black shoes or trainers (generic)

-Students will also be offered a school PE shirt for practical lessonsÂ