Local Offer

The Children and Families Act, which came into effect from the 1st September 2014, made changes to the way in which support is provided to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Within this, Local Authorities are required to publish a 'Local Offer' which will improve choice for families by providing information about services available to children and young people aged 0-25.

Wishmore Cross Academy works across the 4 quadrants of Surrey County Council and has created a provision offer that provides information about how the school supports children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

There will be evidence of frequent, complex, disruptive and at times dangerous behaviour which seriously affects the learning of the young person and that of others. Progress and attainment (academically and socially) are affected. A risk of harm to self or others is evident. A young person’s SEMH response can be appropriate with some contexts and at other times, they are unable to regulate their emotions and will react instinctively with little thought or consideration for their own welfare or that of others. As a result, constant adult supervision, support and intervention is needed to maintain appropriate behaviours and stabilise potentially dangerous situations. They can struggle to show empathy for others whose circumstances, views or beliefs are different to their own. Persistent levels of non-attendance and/or exclusion are also evident. School staff, peer and family relationships will be at ‘breaking point. Additionally, the young person may present depressive episodes or anxiety coupled with feelings of inadequacy, low self esteem, confidence and awareness. Some will struggle to form meaningful peer friendships; others are self conscious of their skills and abilities and may withdraw when faced with achievable challenges. Resilience and the ability to recover from setbacks (however small) are difficult for all young people with SEMH.

All young people who attend Wishmore Cross academy have an EHCP, an individual Risk Assessment and Behaviour Support Plan. In addition, a trauma assessment is completed when need is identified. 

All/most students have transport arrangements to and from school/work experience/alternative education.

All substantive front line staff are CPI Safety Intervention trained.