Careers and Post-16

Provision Overview 

At Wishmore Cross Academy we are committed to providing our students with information, guidance and advice in order to support them to plan their career pathway. Alongside career pathway planning, we aim to provide them with the information to be able to manage themselves in the world of work or further/higher education. We aim to raise students' aspirations and have the highest standard for their own career paths. Wishmore Cross is committed to providing a careers programme that supports all need, background and ability. Our careers programme is provided through years 7 - 11 and all students are provided with 1:1 time with the careers lead. At Wishmore Cross Academy, in January 2021 we decided to recreate our careers programme from scratch. This fresh and new programme aims to help our students identify the most appropriate pathway through their education, in order for them to reach their future career goals. 

At Wishmore Cross Academy we use the Gatsby Benchmarks as a basis for our careers provision. The Gatsby Benchmarks sets out that every secondary school should use the following benchmarks when developing and improving their careers provision:

Following the Government’s expectation, Wishmore Cross Academy is committed to work towards the benchmarks. Since January 2021, Wishmore Cross Academy has used these benchmarks explicitly to create a brand new, fresh careers programme.

For more information please contact:

Miss Maddie Scott, Careers Lead.  

Telephone: 01276 857555


Evaluation of Wishmore Cross Academy Careers Provision

At Wishmore Cross Academy we evaluate and measure the impact of our careers provision using two different tools. We use student, teacher and employer evaluations of the different career provisions we offer, whether it be personal guidance meetings or individual events. 

Our aim is to ensure that all students are in education, training or employment when they leave us in year 11. We believe that a secure careers provision can enhance the chance of a students success in securing a place in education, employment or training so we use our NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) figures to measure the impact of the careers provision that we offer.

We really appreciate and encourage feedback on our careers provision at Wishmore Cross Academy. If you are a student, employer or parent/guardian, are unable to fill out an evaluation form and would like to provide some feedback on our careers provision, please email Miss Maddie Scott, Careers Leader- 

Date for next review of careers information: September 2024

WMX Careers Programme
Provider Access Statement WMX 2021-22.docx
WMX Careers Policy 2021