The Arts

At Montgomery Primary School, we believe that the arts play a vital role in the development of every child. We are committed to providing a rich and diverse arts education for all of our students, fostering their creativity and self-expression. From music and drama to visual arts and dance, we offer a range of programs and activities that encourage our students to explore their passions and discover their full potential.We are committed to helping every child find their unique voice and develop their artistic skills. We recognise the value of all the arts on the lives and futures of our children. We advocate for the impact of arts and culture and share good practice across a wide range of settings. The breadth of opportunities we provide every pupil ensures they have an excellent foundation of cultural capital. We seek to confound the expectations of anyone who tries to limit the life goals of our pupils. Having achieved the gold Artsmark, this year Montgomery is working towards achieving the Platinum award.  


For over the last ten  years, we have been fortunate enough to have worked with Andrew Tims, our artist-in-residence.  Andrew teaches our pupils about different artists and artistic styles. This talented artist works with our students to help them develop their own creative skills and explore different mediums and techniques. Our pupils are inspired by the artist's passion and expertise, and they love learning about different artistic movements and techniques. Through the artist-in-residence program, our pupils have the opportunity to create their own works of art, which are displayed throughout the school and in the school gallery. We are proud to have such a talented and dedicated artist working with our children, and we believe that this program has a truly positive impact on their creativity and self-expression

Monty's Voice

The school radio at Montgomery Primary School is an amazing opportunity for pupils to develop their language skills. By participating in radio broadcasts, pupils have the chance to practise their speaking and listening skills in a fun and engaging way. They can learn to articulate their thoughts clearly and express themselves confidently, all while building their vocabulary and improving their pronunciation. In addition, pupils have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, developing important teamwork and communication skills. The school radio exposes pupils to a wide variety of language and cultural perspectives, broadening their horizons and helping them to become more understanding and open-minded individuals. 


 Through participation in the school's TV broadcasts, students have the opportunity to learn about video production, editing, and presentation. They practise their public speaking and performance skills as they develop and present their own TV content. The school TV station is a great way for pupils to express themselves creatively and share their ideas with a larger audience. It also offers a unique platform for pupils to learn about the power of media and how it can be used to inform, educate, and entertain. 


Montgomery is proud to be an associate member of the RSC’s education network. Working in partnership with other local schools, the children are introduced to a new play each year. Increasing the children’s understanding with Shakespeare’s best known works means that children leave in Year 6 with a genuine interest and familiarity with the plays that they will study in more depth at secondary school. Interacting with the texts through performance, discussion and video builds confidence and enhances social, cultural and moral development.


Our partnership with the Hippodrome Education Network is a wonderful addition to our enrichment programme. The children have year-round access to activities from specialist Learning Officers in the school environment, as well as the chance to take part in workshops, perform on the Hippodrome stage and create their own artwork. This powerful collaboration means that every single child gets to see a professional theatre production at least once a year. The project has ensured that our pupils receive a high-quality provision of dance and drama. The impact on their growing confidence, creativity and cultural awareness has been profound.

Language Alive

The Play House workshops are a unique opportunity to develop, consolidate and deepen our pupils' learning. Every child has the opportunity to watch and participate in a drama-based workshop. The participatory workshops are linked to aspects of the curriculum, including history, PSHE and mental health and wellbeing, with a focus on speaking and listening, developing effective writing and oracy 

Debate Mate

Debate Mate equips our young people with the skills to listen and speak with confidence; articulate arguments; see the world beyond the classroom and engage with the issues that affect them. Through sustained contact with successful university students, we seek to raise pupils’ aspirations, their sense of personal identity and self-esteem. One of the most powerful messages pupils are left with is that hearing differing opinions should be done with acceptance and respect.

Big Green Poetry Machine.mp4

Monty's Poets

Watch the pupils recite their own published poetry.