MPA All Policies

AET statement on Relationships and Sex Education in schools

RSE AET Statement

Anti Bullying Policy 2022-2023

Anti Bullying

Montgomery Teaching & Learning Policy 2022/23

Teaching & Learning

Monty Feedback Policy 2022 / 2023

Assessment & Feedback

Monty Policy for the Administration of Medicines in Schools 2022/23

Medicines in Schools

Monty School Uniform.docx

Uniform Policy

Monty's Safeguarding Policy: Local Arrangements 2022-2023

Local Academy Safeguarding

MPA Behaviour Procedures 2022


Relationships and Sex Education policy: Montgomery and Percy Shurmer

RHSE Policy

SEND Policy Local Academy Arrangements 2022/23 - Monty

Local Academy Send

SEND Relationships and Sex Education policy: Mongtomery and Percy Shurmer


Supporting pupils with medical conditions 2020_21.docx

Supporting pupils with Medical Conditions