Monty's Voice

Our Very Own Radio! - Listen again to all our live and pre-recorded shows.

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The Montgomery Quiz Show

Children in Year 3 worked together to create this fun short quiz show! Play alone or play with friends or family! Can you get the top score?!

Can you spot the teachers by their voices or by their tastes in music, cars and food?

Can you spot a song made by a robot?!

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Why a Radio?

Inclusion - A School Radio station run by our pupils and for our pupils will help build an inclusive atmosphere in the school.  Radio is all about communication and running a radio show takes commitment and teamwork in order for it to be a success.   

Building Confidence - Most people find talking to a 'mic' in a closed room far less intimidating than appearing on camera or on stage. Our radio will allow pupils to express their views and build their confidence whether it is discussing important issues or sharing ideas, it will thus give our pupils a voice within our school community. 

Develop Speaking & Listening Skills - Radio is about speaking and listening. Whether you are presenting or just listening to a show, these vital skills are not only fundamental in radio but are essential for 'real world' skills that we want our pupils at Monty to be equipped with when they leave us. 

Improving Literacy – A little odd you may say to talk about writing skills in radio but the first time a pupil looks at the 'mic' and then asks what they should say, they realise they need to write scripts and prepare between links. We as  a school can extend this preparation for talk shows, radio drama or telephone interviews and it is clear that writing plays a big role in radio and extends to meeting the National Curriculum in many ways. 

Giving Pupils A Voice and Empowerment - A School Radio would offer a platform for our pupils to discuss the issues that matter to them in a non-confrontational format.  Whether it is discussing important issues or sharing the music they love, radio will give our pupils a voice. 

Teamwork - Planning and presenting radio shows requires a great deal of teamwork.  I endeavour that we will run our radio like a ‘real’ station assigning roles and responsibilities for presenters, technical and station management.