Support Organisations

Life Skills Centres

Education Settings

Other students have moved on from college into other organisations that support individuals' continued learning and skills development. They are focusing on more than just education. These organisations assist individuals in becoming more independent, nurturing their social skills and helping them build friendships. Additionally, they aim to boost their confidence in various aspects of their communities. Through these opportunities, students can flourish both academically and personally, gaining the necessary skills to succeed in their future endeavours.

Coco care

ECL Inclusive Employment

Hawkes Farm / Big Xperience

Rainbow Rural

Roundwoods Garden Nursery

Penny Meadows

The Zone

Other students have moved on from Columbus into other educational settings that support individuals' continued learning and skills development under their EHCP targets. These organisations assist individuals in becoming more independent and confident individuals and support their continued education until they are 25.

Chelmsford College

Colchester Institute

Preparing for Adulthood - Columbus Advisors

Paul and Lee are the school's 'Preparing for Adulthood advisors'. They play a vital role in supporting students and their families during their academic journey. By attending key transition meetings, Paul and Lee ensure that students receive the necessary information and assistance.

One of the main focuses of their role is to help families understand the local offer. They provide guidance on accessing various educational providers, day centres, and supported employment opportunities. Paul and Lee's expertise helps students and their families make informed decisions about future pathways.

With their professional approach, Paul and Lee offer invaluable support in navigating the complex landscape of post-school options. They are dedicated to ensuring that every student receives the guidance they need to transition smoothly into adulthood. Please see the SEND Careers & Advice Service for more information.

Careers Exploration

Self Development

Career Management

Our Strengths: