
Your donation makes a difference!

Every dollar that is donated to our program is dedicated to providing the best afterschool experience for our kids. If you wish to make a monetary donation, make checks payable to Bright IDEAS/PTO. Your donation will be tax-deductible.

Sponsor a Student

Our program provides scholarships for students who qualify for free/reduced school meal plans.

You can sponsor a scholarship student for a discounted rate of $50 per week.

A donation of $135 will provide an elective club for a scholarship student for 8 weeks.

Any donation is greatly appreciated.

Donate Supplies

Our program offers a wide variety of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) activities, as well as crafts and homework help. We are always looking to accept supplies that help facilitate those activities.

Items we typically need:

  • Craft Supplies: Child Scissors, Construction Paper, Cardstock, Markers, Craft Sticks, Paintbrushes, Liquid Glue, Glue Sticks, Tape, Non-Toxic Paint, plastic table covers, etc.

  • Donations of board games, electronics, gaming systems, and sports equipment are also greatly appreciated.

Donate Snack Foods

We provide a healthy snack to our students each day of the week during recess time.

Criteria for Food Donations:

  • Unopened packaging

  • We cannot accept homemade snack foods

  • Food that is past its expiration date will not be accepted

  • No products containing Peanuts or Tree Nuts will be accepted (Products manufactured in a facility that handles peanuts and tree nuts are okay)

If you would like to make a donation to Bright IDEAS, please contact Penny Lewis at