Grade 5

Volleyball unit

Throwing and catching unit

In this unit the students will be working on overhand throwing and catching. They will be participating in variety of throwing and catching games/activities, and will also be practicing these skills with a partner at the beginning of every lesson.

Key elements of a proper overhand throw and catch

Walk/Jog/run unit

The Walk/Jog/Run unit disguises the fitness aspect of walking, jogging and running by mixing in various patterns, different motor skills, partners and groups, and many other variables to keep students motivated, moving, and having fun.

5th grade students are working on a proper running form and practicing different running pace (jogging, sprinting).

Key Elements of EFFICIENT Running form

Footstrike. The majority of better runners land on their midfoot; that is, at a point just behind the ball of the foot. They then drop down on their heel, and their body glides above the foot that is planted firmly on the ground before they push off with the toes.

Arm carry. Your arms should move in rhythm with your legs. They should swing forward more than sideways, with your elbows in and your hands cupped (rather than clenched).

Cooperative Games unit

For the first 2 weeks of PE 5th graders will experience and learn that cooperative game play helps build the skills of cooperation, sharing, compromise, and encouragement. All of which are essential elements for developing a sense of community.

  • A focus on cooperation, rather than competition
  • An active role for all children in a non-elimination environment
  • A common goal for children to work on together resulting in an “everyone’s a winner” outcome