KG Units

Unit 1: Building a foundation

unit 2: Parachute

Unit 3: Manipulatives

Unit 4: Catching and Throwing

Unit 5: Balance Stunts and Tumbling

Unit 6: Dance

Unit 7: Jumping

Unit 8: Kicking and Trapping

Unit 9: Dribbling, Volleying and Stryking

Unit 10: Games

Unit 1: Building a foundation

This introductory unit establishes class environment, behavioural expectations of students, and management of organisation protocols.

Some of the motor development concepts will be addressed include: body and spacial awareness, locomotor and non-locomotor skills, directionality, pathways, levels, and tempos. To enhance their social and personal development, children learn to share , cooperate, take turns, and experience personal success through movement.

UNIT2: Parachute

Parachute play is fun and it provides all children opportunities to participate successfully as part of a large group activity. The lessons in Parachute Play integrate previously learned non-locomotor and locomotor skills and introduce new ways to practice creative imagery and enhance rhythm and timing. Moving a large parachute encourages cooperative behaviour among children while improving cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, and balance.