Early Years

Welcome to Early Years PE

Early Years PE Units

Unit 1: Building Blocks

Unit 2: Parachute Play

Unit 3: Super Stunts

Unit 4: Hoop it Up

Unit 5: Ribbons, Scarves, and Balloons for Me

Unit 6: Fluff Ball Fun

Unit 7: Beanbag Bonanza

Unit 8: Rope Action

Unit 9: Fancy Feet

Unit 10: Have a Ball

Unit 1: Bulding blocks

For the first 5-6 weeks of school students will learn routines and behavioural expectations in PE class. Children will be exploring body and spacial awareness, loco motor and non-loco motor skills, directions, pathways, levels, and tempos. Very important social skills such as following directions, sharing, cooperating and taking turns will be addressed in PE class during this unit.

Unit 2: parachute

Parachute play is fun and it provides all children opportunities to participate successfully as part of a large group activity. The lessons in Parachute Play integrate previously learned non-locomotor and locomotor skills and introduce new ways to practice creative imagery and enhance rhythm and timing. Moving a large parachute encourages cooperative behaviour among children while improving cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, and balance.

Unit 3: Super stunts

Super Stunts are important components of a child’s physical activity experience. Super Stunts are primarily designed to increase abilities such as coordination, flexibility, agility, and strength. This unit include animal movements, single-leg balances, line walking, creative stunts, and simple partner activities – which also foster cooperation and trust.