

Bus services are contracted by ACS Athens parents and cover virtually the entire Athens area. Students are transported by professional drivers and are supervised on the bus by a monitor. Bus monitors regularly communicate and collaborate with the building principals regarding discipline issues.

Mr. Marios Nikolis, Head of Transportation, can be reached by phone at 210 6070 239 or email

Bus Procedures

Students must be at the assigned bus stop at the scheduled boarding time.

Consequences are clearly spelled out for students. Please review the transportation code of conduct, talk with your child about these rules, and let the transportation office know if there is a concern or problem. Making sure your students are feeling safe and happy during their commute is important to us. Should students not follow the Bus Code of Conduct, they will receive a bus referral and meet with the Citizenship Coordinator. If the behavior is repeated a second time, they will be asked not to ride the bus for a day. If the behavior is repeated for a third time, they will not be allowed to ride the bus for up to 3 days. If the behavior is repeated for a fourth time, they will not be allowed to ride the bus for up to 1 week. Finally, if the behavior is repeated for a fifth time, this may lead to not being allowed to ride the bus for the remainder of the school year. Students’ safety is a serious issue.

There are no after-school activity buses (ESAS, Elementary School Arts Academy, Learning Enhancement Program, and Institute for Innovation and Creativity) for elementary students. Parents must provide transportation after school on these days as students need to be picked up at the end of the activity.

Bus Code of Conduct