After School Programs

After School Programs

Learning Enhancement Program

The After School Learning Enhancement Program is a program that extends beyond the school day and provides a supportive environment to our students at ACS Athens. The program is designed to help students develop a strong sense of their own learning processes and to provide them with a strong academic, social, and emotional foundation for their schoolwork. All the programs have been designed to improve and maximize each student’s learning potential. All the courses are led by instructors with a background in special education who have the knowledge and expertise to enhance learning. Students will learn to apply basic skills and learning strategies to their work in their academic classes, so that they may be successful. After-school classes target discrete student needs and give emphasis to specific learning outcomes in mathematics, reading, writing, and completion of homework.


A description of the full range of offerings will be emailed to all in the beginning of the school year and will also be available on our website.

Elementary Sports After School Program (ESAS) & Arts Academy

ACS Athens believes that participation in a co-curricular activity is important to a student’s development.

The ESAS and Arts Academy programs are primarily run by teachers or other professionals. Parents provide their own transportation for Elementary Students. Classes typically run once a week from 16:00 to 17:00 and we strongly encourage all ACS Athens students to get involved. Many of the programs culminate with an exciting exhibition of some kind. If there is an activity you would like to suggest or lead, please let us know!

Supervision for students attending after school programs and academy lessons will meet in designated locations at 15:45 - 16:55. Students will be escorted to after-school sessions so they can begin promptly at 16:00. This will ensure all students are monitored and safety precautions are adhered to during transitions.

All ESAS information will be made available on our website at the beginning of each semester. Information on registration, fees, and the exact schedule of the activities will be made available online. For more information call the Athletic Office at 210 607 0327. A yearly updated physical is needed for children to participate in P.E. and ESAS.

An example of what a weekly ESAS schedule might look like:

Staying After School

All students must leave campus at 15:45 unless they are staying for an activity that starts immediately after school. Buses depart campus at 16:00.

Students are not allowed to wander around school grounds or play outside without parental supervision. Parents must pick up their child(ren) on time and must always be near their children to supervise them appropriately. School playgrounds are off limits at dismissal.

It is important to note that only parents (or guardians listed in Skyward) can take their own child/children off school grounds.  Permission in writing must be provided to the ES Administrative Assistant, Citizenship Coordinator, homeroom teacher, and transportation in advance for any changes in pickup.

Additionally, no Elementary School students are allowed to leave school grounds by themselves. Lastly, Elementary School students are NOT allowed to ride the “late” bus.