Student Life & Activities

Student Life & Activities

Participation in school activities is a way of expanding learning beyond the classroom. Such participation allows students to pursue their own interests and to develop their skills and talents in a whole range of social, cultural, and sporting activities. Participating in school activities is also an important way of building bonds of the school community – allowing students the opportunity to cement friendships, develop their skills of teamwork and cooperation, share their skills and talents with others and make a positive contribution to the social, cultural and sporting life of the school.

House System

The House System was started at ACS in 1950. All students, faculty, and staff are assigned to one of four houses as a life-time member: Athenian (green), Corinthian (red), Spartan (blue), or Trojan (yellow). It is a concept meant to bond teachers and students, encourage school spirit, and build a strong sense of belonging to our school. It is also meant to create a sense of continuity and permanence for our graduates. The Elementary School, students, and faculty can earn points for their houses by participating in student activities, playing sports, winning awards, participating in community service projects, etc. House Points are tallied throughout the year and posted in the Academy and Middle School. Each year, a plaque is presented to the winning house and displayed on campus. Individuals who earn points for their houses are also recognized at the end-of-year Awards Assemblies.

Student Council

The Student Council plays a significant role in the life of the Elementary School. Student Council representatives are selected by their classmates in grades 3-5. Meetings are held once a week. Student Council representatives work with faculty and are encouraged to assume the position of spokespeople for their classmates. Students are encouraged to make suggestions to their representatives concerning the school. 

Honor Code

The Elementary School Honor Code consists of students who are selected from each homeroom in grades 3 – 5. These students are living examples of positive behavior and stewardship in our school community. The Honor Code’s motto is “Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” Meetings are held once a week and members work closely with their advisers to organize and promote activities which benefit the school and the wider community.

Special Traditions

In addition to our curriculum activities, the Elementary School enjoys its own special traditions. Please understand that some of these events are subject to change.


First Trimester (September - December)


Second Trimester (December - March)


Third Trimester (March - June)

School Photos

Individual and class school photos are taken by a professional photographer every fall. Parents may choose to purchase the photo package, but there is no obligation to do so. More information is sent out prior to the school photo day and the class pictures are included in the annual yearbook.

Field Trips

During the school year, field trips are directly connected to specific curriculum per grade level. Field trips extend the classroom studies allowing students to collect data as they apply and connect learning to the real world. We expect all students to attend. There are usually three to four field trips a year for each grade.

All children must have signed parental permission to attend via the permission slip provided prior to the trip. Students are expected to exhibit the 3R's as representatives of ACS Athens Elementary School. Students may be requested to wear their House colors, or PE attire for the field trips. If the Child Study Team feels that a student’s behavior and/or decision-making is questionable, the student may be required to remain at school/at home during the trip.

Birthday & Holiday Celebrations

In School Birthday Celebrations:

If your child wants to celebrate his/her birthday with the class, we ask that you provide enough individually wrapped treats for the entire class. These celebrations are short (usually celebrated at snack time or in the last fifteen minutes of the school day), as we need to keep all non-instructional class minutes to a minimum. Teachers must be informed well in advance of any celebrations planned. “Nut free” cupcakes, cookies or individually wrapped treats are appropriate and should be provided with paper plates and napkins. Please be aware of any allergies in your child’s grade level.

Out of School Birthday Celebrations:

ACS Athens promotes inclusion and empathy. When planning a birthday celebration off campus for your child only invitations for every child can be distributed in class. The school cannot be responsible for handing out party invitations. Please be willing to teach your child discretion for the feelings of those not invited.

Health Office

The health and safety of your child at school are of utmost concern. A registered full-time nurse and an aide administer emergency first aid treatments and care for sudden illnesses on campus. In addition, several elementary staff members including the PE Teacher are trained and certified in CPR/First Aid.

 The nurse conducts regular vision, hearing, and lice checks and maintains a health record for every student. If the child needs to be taken home, the nurse will call you directly. If the student is severely injured and we cannot reach anyone at home, the student will be taken directly to the nearest hospital for proper treatment. The School Nurse can be reached at 210 6070 217.

All students are required to have a physical examination by their family physician within thirty (30) days of their enrollment which must be updated yearly. Any students who do not have their physical examination completed will not be allowed to participate in physical education classes or attend school field trips.

Please note the following: Prescription medication can only be administered by the Health Office to students of any age if the medication is provided by the parent and accompanied by a note which clearly states the dosage and time the medicine should be given as well as the reason it was ordered. Non-prescription medication may be administered to JK-5th grade students in the nurse’s office only when parental consent has been obtained by written communication/email on each occasion.

A child recovering from an illness should not return to school until she/he is well enough to participate in the full, regular school day, including recess, lunch, and PE classes. Students must be fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

Students cannot attend any ESAS activities or P.E. including swimming without an updated physical examination form.