The Basque Biomodels Platform for Human Research

BBioH develops cell models and organ-like structures derived from patient tissues and human induced Progenitor Stem Cells (iPSC) as biomodels for both basic and applied research, including personalized medicine and drug screening. Our capabilities and expertise include humanized models of several organs, with a particular focus on the brain. Within neuroscience our goals are to reproduce the principal stages of brain development, and to model the biological, biochemical and molecular hallmarks of brain physiopathology. We offer our services to both national and international researches, from academia and industry. 

BBioH is a new collaborative initiative of Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience and the Instituto Biofisika in partnership with the Fundacion Biofisica Bizkaia. BBioH is funded in part by the Department of Education of the Basque Government under the IKUR 2030 strategy, with additional support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) 

We strive to bridge the gap between the laboratory and the clinic. BBioH has highly-qualified staff to operate the facility and assist users in identifying the best 2D and 3D cellular models to address their biological and biomedical questions.