The school counseling team is leading the WAMS Kindness Campaigns.  Students report other students when they see others being kind.  There are many acts of kindness that occur daily in our school.  With so many things competing for the attention of our students, the kindness campaign is a way to encourage students to be intentional in looking for the good in their environments,  and of course, to be the good in their environments.   

Be the "I" in "KIND"!

Beliefs, Vision, Mission & Program Goals 

 We believe:

Student services personnel have a unique opportunity and responsibility to assess student needs in order to maximize student learning and development. We believe that all students can learn and can achieve lifelong success both academically and in the world of work.


Our Vision Is:

To make use of the expertise from diverse professional education and student services disciplines to identify and remove barriers to academic success.  

To make measurable improvements in student attendance and performance by the use data collection

To abide by all professional ethics and standards by all national/state boards of Student Services Personnel

To challenge students to meet their potential to grow into functional, contributing members of the community.


   The mission of the Student Support Service Team (SSST) here at Western Middle is to provide an opportunity for all students to maximize potential as future ready learners in the areas of personal/social growth, intellectual growth and career awareness in order to become a productive and contributing member of 21st  century society.


The goal of the student support services program is: 


As student support services personnel we keep things discussed confidential, unless someone is in danger. We do encourage students to have open communication with parents.


    We offer individual counseling sessions, group counseling sessions, mediations, classroom guidance lessons, informative parent night presentations and much, much more. We work as part of the Student Support Service Team (SSST) here at Western Middle School along with our school social worker, school nurse, and administration. As part of the SSST we believe that student services personnel have a unique opportunity and responsibility to assess student needs in order to maximize student learning and development. We believe that all students can learn and can achieve lifelong success both academically and in the world of work.


   Please remember that we are here to support you! Do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance. 

Counselors can be reached via email or phone as detailed below.  


Holly Herring: or (336) 538-6010 Ext 40310

Jennifer Lombard:   or (336) 538-6010 Ext 40311